Abstracts Division 2

38. Plasma acid phosphatase activity in obese adolescents and adults with metabolic syndrome

Mengying Li1, in collaboration with NUTRIM Division 2, Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov1

Department of Genetics and Cell Biology, School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (NUTRIM), University of Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands.

The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is an increasing public health challenge and is the most common condition associated with obesity. While MetS is well defined in the adult population, due to the influence of physical growth on metabolic parameters used for diagnosis, it remains challenging to diagnose MetS in adolescents. In the current study we investigated whether plasma acid phosphatase (AP) activity, a lysosomal hydrolase known to be associated with MetS in adults, could function as a robust biomarker for MetS in adolescents as well as adults.

Plasma AP activity and other metabolic parameters were assessed in plasma of adolescents (N=128) and adults (N=147) with obesity. Regression analysis was performed to investigate correlations between plasma AP activity and MetS determinants in adolescent and adult cohorts separately and combined. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated to determine the ability of plasma AP activity to predict MetS in adolescents, adults and mixed population.

Plasma AP activity was higher in obese adolescents with MetS compared to adolescents without MetS. Additionally, fasting glucose, TAG and HDL independently correlated with plasma AP activity. Similarly, in obese adults as well as in the combined population of adolescents and adults, plasma AP activity was higher compared to controls and had a strong positive correlation with TAG. Finally, plasma AP activity had an AUC of 0.817 (sensitivity: 1.00, specificity: 0.686) in adolescents, 0.689 (sensitivity: 0.884, specificity: 0.441) in adults and 0.706 (sensitivity: 0.596, specificity: 0.773) in the mixed population for predicting the presence of MetS.

Our data suggests that plasma AP activity is associated with MetS and is a robust parameter that could potentially be used to detect MetS in obese adolescent as well as adult subjects.

NUTRIM | School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism
NUTRIM aims to contribute to health maintenance and personalised medicine by unraveling lifestyle and disease-induced derangements in metabolism and by developing targeted nutritional, exercise and drug interventions. This is facilitated by a state of the art research infrastructure and close interaction between scientists, clinicians, master and PhD students.