Abstracts Division 3

52. The impact of aerobic exercise pre-conditioning to maximize the skeletal muscle adaptive response to resistance type exercise training in healthy older adults – Study design

Milan Betz1, Luc van Loon1, Tim Snijders1

1 Department of Human Biology, NUTRIM School for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, the Netherlands

The progressive loss of skeletal muscle mass with aging, or sarcopenia, has a major impact on our health care system due to increased morbidity and a greater need for hospitalization and/or institutionalization. Resistance exercise training is an effective intervention strategy to counter the detrimental impact of sarcopenia. However, despite its overall beneficial effects, large heterogeneity exists in the muscle’s adaptive response to resistance training in older adults. It has been suggested that the age-related reduction in skeletal muscle perfusion might be a key limiting factor in the ability to grow muscle during resistance type exercise training in older adults. However, it is  unknown whether improving skeletal muscle perfusion, through aerobic pre-conditioning, could augment the beneficial effect of prolonged resistance exercise training in older adults. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the effects of 8 weeks aerobic exercise pre-conditioning (to improve muscle fiber perfusion capacity) on the increase in skeletal muscle mass and function during 12 weeks of resistance exercise training in older adults.

NUTRIM | School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism
NUTRIM aims to contribute to health maintenance and personalised medicine by unraveling lifestyle and disease-induced derangements in metabolism and by developing targeted nutritional, exercise and drug interventions. This is facilitated by a state of the art research infrastructure and close interaction between scientists, clinicians, master and PhD students.